You paid a lot of money for your vehicle. An extended warranty makes sure you get the most out of your investment by providing protection from unexpected repair costs stemming from mechanical or electrical failure, which can amount to thousands of dollars over the life of your warranty.
Our extended warranty also helps you enjoy worry-free driving with nationwide coverage, 24-hour emergency roadside assistance, and rental car assistance. And, you can transfer coverage—a nice incentive should you sell your car before the warranty expires.
If your vehicle is stolen or totaled in an accident, most insurance companies will only pay its cash value. If you’re still making payments on your vehicle and the current balance of your loan is above your vehicle’s cash value, you’re liable for the difference. That can amount to thousands of dollars.
GAP protection can waive all or a part of your remaining loan balance. In some states, GAP can even cover a portion of your deductible as well! This is subject to some limitations and exclusions, including a maximum loan to value ratio. Your loan to value ratio is the original amount you financed for your loan compared to the value of your vehicle at the time of your loan. GAP will only waive the part of your remaining loan balance below the maximum loan to value ratio.
When the unexpected happens, the last thing you need to worry about is how to afford your vehicle. With Credit Insurance, you can cancel or suspend your loan without penalty or added interest in the event of a major life event. Covered events may include hospitalization, death, disability, involuntary unemployment, or family medical leave.